My Back to School Reading Tips

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Today I’m delighted to be published in Magic Town the place where stories live ! This month my blog post is about My Back to School Reading Tips

Here’s an excerpt from my post.

“When I was a teacher, I loved story time with my students. I enjoyed sitting on the carpet with a bright, colourful book turned outwards and using my acting voices to bring a story to life! Through this, I learned how important it is to read with your children.

The beginning of the school year is the perfect time to establish new habits and routines to help your child read more confidently and fluently. Here are some strategies to keep in mind.

Form a Partnership With Your Child’s Teacher

Understand your school’s approach to reading and show support and enthusiasm at home. Take time to question, and learn from, your child’s teacher so that you can work together. With your child, be relaxed and playful. Your children will naturally pick up your energy and mindset. If you approach learning to read with heavy handedness, your child may get turned off.

Practice and More Practice

Reading is hard work for most young children. Be sure your family schedule allows time each day for your child to read to you without rushing. Don’t do it when you are really thinking about cooking dinner, putting away the ironing or writing that long awaited report. Practice reading in five-minute intervals. If necessary, give your child fun breaks in between.

Breaks Big Words Into Fragments

Help your child recognise the phonetic chunks within big words, such as “en” or “at,” while they are reading to you. This will help them decode the larger word and read more fluently

Click on the link to read all of my tips on the Magic Town blog.


Go and have fun exploring Magic Town, A World of Interactive Books and Stories

The Magic Town website and iPad app reinforce the experience of reading together. With four different ways to read a story, or Livebook, Magic Town helps parents and kids share the fun of story time. Children can use “Watch” mode to listen to a narrator and watch the pictures. In “Play” mode, children listen to a narrator and turn the pages. In “Read Together,” either the child or an adult can read out loud. And finally, in “Explore” mode, children listen to a narrator and answer questions similar to those a teacher or a parent would pose while reading.

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