Tapping is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Here’s How It Can Help YOU!

What is EFT? Emotional Freedom Technique  is the new therapy for the 21st century as it is a very safe way to get rid of anxiety, stress, and feelings of guilt and overwhelm that lots of parents suffer from. It is based on tapping different Chinese meridian lines with your fingers – and you’ve probably […]

Night Terrors Explained

Here’s a small excerpt from Week 10 of my brand new online Masterclass available exclusively to my Parenting Club Members called ‘The Sue Atkins Toddler System’ around sleep, nightmares and the very distressing night terrors. Nightmares Toddlers find it difficult to tell the difference between reality and imagination, so a nightmare can be a very distressing […]

Looking for the signs of Post Natal Depression.

I have recently been working with a lovely Mum who has two children aged 6 and 3.  She’s been having problems with setting up consistent boundaries around her children due to her constant nagging feelings of guilt over suffering from Post Natal Depression with her first child 6 years ago. She is not uncommon. Lots of Mums suffer […]

Pills & Pregnancy – the truly shocking truth

k   As the shocking BBC Panorama report ‘Pills & Pregnancy’ hits the headlines – a campaign organised by  the very wonderful Emma Murphy  about the shocking truth about FACS Syndrome, I thought it would be helpful to  tell you about the Top 30 Autism Spectrum Blogs to give you support & help. Emma is […]